Thursday, January 8, 2009

Uterus. . . Starring as

Introducing the incubator, formally known as my uterus. Thankfully I do not have THAT many embies. Only three, beautiful 8 -celled embryos. I am now on bedrest and already tired of it. It is going to be a long few days!


Anonymous said...

oh, how exciting!!!! enjoy the downtime, all too soon you'll be chasing around your triplets! :)

bleu said...

YAY congrats!!!!! Take it easy and pamper yourself!!

tireegal68 said...

yahoo! that is so exciting! is five days of bedrest the norm? Just wondering because my doc never said anything to me about it - just to make sure DP drives me and brings me in for the procedures!
enjoy the coddling of those eggies which are now wonderful embies!