Sunday, August 16, 2009

33 weeks and 6 days.... still counting (by Stacey)

A note here, for the Facebook readers this may not apply:
I, Stacey, will be posting in green with italics so that it's easier to figure out who is typing since now Jill and I will both post to this blog.

So, here we are, 33 weeks and 6 days, Jill is still plugging along. We took on the task of painting all the interior doors yesterday and what a task that was! Pain in the neck! Mostly because you have to paint one side (2 coats), wait and then paint the other side (2 coats) before they are done. As I sit here typing, the doors are waiting in the garage to be rehung. It will be nice to have them in. I only hope they don't make the unpainted hallway look so terrible that I HAVE to paint it today.

I believe they call what we are doing "nesting." Jill moved all the baby clothes around again and did lots of organizing. I don't know what she did, nor will I notice the changes. All I know, is she will be able to point me in the exact place of where to find something when she needs it in the coming months.

Jill is a trooper. Always has been in the 10 plus years I've known her. The days have moved to "not so great" and "pretty good" for her. August is a terrible month to be 8 months pregnant with twins. I'm so happy that she is hanging in there! Monday, 34 weeks, is a very big time marker (so I hear) and that makes me very relieved. The longer the babies stay in... the better!

I think the dogs are starting to notice things are different too. Both dogs are hanging with me more and more. The most surprising thing is Ellie, Jill's loyal stalker dog, she is sleeping with me and wandering away! Crazy! I'm not sure if dog's have a sense about babies coming, but I do think the have a sense of things changing... we shall see what the future holds for them and their reaction to the babies.

In other news, I got my "come back to work" letter, I have to report on August 27th at 7a.m. for breakfast. Goodness, it seems the summer has come and gone. I'm looking forward to a way better school year this year. I'll be an RSP teacher doing inclusion in Algebra and Biology. Should be a challenge and a nice change.

That's all from me. I'll add my favorite maternity shots here too...


Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Hey Congrats on making it so far! 34 weeks is indeed a great milestone. After that every day is its own milestone! You are giving your babies a better chance at avoiding the NICU altogether! Make sure she takes it easy and rests as much as possible. Those babies will be here soon!

R said...

Awwwww... great pic!!

tireegal68 said...

sounds like you are getting everything nice and ready! love the nesting! great pic:)
here's hoping the next few weeks are uneventful!

Next in Line said...

That is a great picture. Hopefully the hotest days of summer are past now. Pregnant with twins during the summer must be something else.

Cristin said...

Love that pic! How can you still be cute carrying twins?? I was a hideous beast when I was pregnant... fat and puffy and horrifyingly ugly...

Michelle said...

great blog! i'm excited for the 4 of you!

This Mom said...

Great picture! My twins were born on July 30, so I understand a bit of what Jill is going through. My ankles and feet were so swollen that I could only wear flip flops at the end and they those left marks. Hang in there!