Monday, November 16, 2009

Guess what's in my freezer?!

If you said 12 ounces of breastmilk you would be correct!

I have been struggling with breastfeeding since the day these babies have been born. I never expected it to be so hard. First it was NICU, then it was latch, and always it was supply.

Well, we worked on latching and I pump all the time, we stopped using bottles at home and finally I had enough in my fridge that I needed to start freezing some of it. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Now, I just have to get through going back to work. Wish I could be a stay at home mom, but being a teacher is pretty good job for hours. The babies should only get 2 or 3 bottles during the time I am gone.



Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Congrats! It is quite the accomplishment!

MS said...

Stumbled across your blog (slow day at work). Well done for sticking with it. We also had NICU-induced breastfeeding challenges and managed to overcome with a supportive husband and great lactation consultant (although a singleton). Returning to work is tough (being separated from your babies is bound to decrease supply) but you are doing great!

tireegal68 said...

Great news! High marks for determination and achievement!