Monday, February 9, 2009

Check out the new picture I have!

Can you see two?? Because there are!!!! We are having twins. They are both measuring 6weeks 4 days (I am 7 weeks) with nice strong heartbeats. The doctor was a little concerned about one of them, because it seemed so small. But when he zoomed in and measured it was just a big.

We are doing the happy dance right now!


Anonymous said...

DAMMIT! and in your baby poll i picked 3. glad there was no dough on that wager!!!!! ;)

Carrie and MJ said...

Congrats - that is so exciting! Wishing you nothing but a peaceful 9 months!

tireegal68 said...

Hi Jill - I wrote on BBBBs too - but had to come over here and look at the pic! Yeah! I am so excited. I didn't know you had a poll on your website but of course I would have bet on two little pips!
You must be so excited! When is the next ultrasound?
Enjoy the ride! Hope it's just all peaceful and fun from here on out!

Becky Le Cochon said...

aweeee CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
I'm sooooo soooooo happy for you gals...been a long road but so worth it huh??

This Mom said...

Congratulations! Twins are incredible, take my word for it. Enjoy every minute until they arrive, life will never be the same again!

R said...

YEAHHH!! Congratulations ladies!! So happy for ya!! :)

Anonymous said...

holy cow! holy cow! twinsies! awesome, congratulations times two!

Anonymous said...

Ducklings! You are having ducklings. Two. Yay I am so happy for you I could quack.

Anonymous said...

hot damn woman! congratulations and congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog- congratulations on the twins!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm happy for the two of you.

Cristin said...

AAAHHHH!!! I can't believe it's twins!! Lucky ducks you!!!!

J and D said...

OH WOW... CONGRATS!!! That is so awesome.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bleu said...

How awesome, I am so over the moon for you all!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill, just got here from An Offering of Love. She held you as a great example of originally low betas resulting in a great pregnancy. So glad to see that things are going well for you and your little passengers!